Leadership Development

At Sport Law, we know that it can feel lonely and isolating when you’re in a leadership position. We know that building connection and strengthening our community are of utmost importance. 

We also know that just as athletes need support to enhance their skills, so too do sport leaders. The world’s best companies support their best talent with coaches, so why not sport? 

Through our work in sport, and in personal conversations with many of you, it is clear that this community is longing for more proactive leadership training as well. 

Sport Law is here to help

Upcoming Leadership Development Opportunities

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On Demand Leadership Development Opportunities

NOVA Profile

NOVA Profile Background The NOVA Profile is a comprehensive psychometric self-awareness tool that provides information about behaviours, skills, different psychological characteristics, and personal motivations. The tool helps an individual awaken ...

Femtorship/Mentorship Programs

The objective of a Femtorship/Mentorship Program is to facilitate relationships between the leaders within organizations, with the goal of providing both femtors/mentors and femtees/mentees with the chance to create meaningful ...

Designing the Team Alliance

Designing the Team Alliance for Respectful Engagement is understandably one of the most important forms of agreements team members should prioritize with each other. This service gives people the chance to ...

Courageous Conversations

Here at Sport Law, we recognize that conflict can be expected to occur and should be welcomed in order to grow and emerge. Sport Law has therefore created a new ...

Peer-to-Peer Coaching Sessions

People learn best when they are surrounded by others who understand and who care. We customize virtual or in-person sessions with like-minded leaders within the same organization or across other ...

Leading with Values

Leading with Values is a path-breaking 1.5-day retreat experience that can be customized for your organization and focuses on how to identify your core personal values and bring them to ...

The Sport Leaders Retreat

The Sport Leaders Retreat is a virtual leadership training boot camp that offers coaches, technical directors and CEOs, the opportunity to hone their leadership skills, alongside other sport leaders across ...

Restorative Circles

Restorative Circles are 75-minute sessions that are designed to help individuals walk away feeling more resourced, connected to self and others, and inspired to apply a healthy and healing self-care practice. ...
