Sport organizations can struggle not only with acquiring new sponsors– but also with maintaining and prioritizing existing partnerships. After the high fives have been exchanged and commitments have been made, […]
This hour-long webinar will interest any employer or employee in sport. The content of the webinar will help organizations and individuals understand the legal issues relating to hiring practices, screening, agreements, […]
This hour-long webinar sought to demystify the accounting process and provide some clarity around understanding financial statements. Kathy Hare discussed some of the basic terminology and processes used in financial […]
To assist provincial sport organizations (PSOs) in applying industry leading risk management principles, Dina Bell-Laroche, the lead facilitator for the national Risk Management Project, was joined by LeeAnn Cupidio and Jason Robinson to share […]
The hour-long webinar discussed how investing in event safety through a plan is the key to preparing for and mitigating event emergencies. Jason Robinson, an Associate with the Sport Law […]
The hour-long webinar discussed the risks of texting and connecting with your colleagues on social media. Kevin Lawrie explained what happens when we communicate by text and social media and how […]