SLSG Team Updates

Published April 11, 2018

The SLSG believes that consistent, ongoing professional development can help us better serve the needs of our clients. To that end, we wanted to share our efforts over the past year that we hope will be helpful to you.

Dina Bell-Laroche ( successfully completed the next level in the international coaching standard, receiving the Professional Certified Coach (“PCC”) credential with the International Coach Federation. An Integral Master Coach(TM), Dina has accumulated over 1,000 coaching hours and has provided professional coaching services to over 100 sport clients since 2014.

As part of her coaching services, Dina is experienced at delivering personal psychometric assessments like the NOVA profile. To add to her tool belt in this area, Dina became accredited with using the EQi emotional intelligence assessment tool (one-on-one assessment) and the EQ360 emotional quotient assessment tool (assessment from peers, managers, etc.). Watch for an upcoming blogpost later this year describing the importance of these assessment tools in human resources management and personal development.

Rosie Tomiuk ( also offers professional coaching services on behalf of the SLSG and recently added certification with the NOVA profile to her already wide-ranging certifications in six other psychometric assessments. Rosie also became an Associate Certified Coach (“ACC”) with the International Coach Federation.

Kathy Hare ( also completed her certification in the NOVA profile, which has been helpful in her ongoing work with human resource audits for sport organizations. In mid-2017, Kathy finished her parliamentarian course and has chaired multiple AGMs and contentious Board meetings as part of her parliamentarian services.

LeeAnn Cupidio ( completed a timely workplace harassment course with the Human Resources Professional Association and has been pleased to conduct workplace harassment investigations for sport organizations in delicate situations. Our May 16th webinar will address this topic.

We are continuing our professional development through 2018 in support of the SLSG’s vision – which is to help your sport organization achieve your vision. We look forward to the year ahead and, as always, please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.

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