Financial Literacy 2.0 – Budget Management

Building on our previous webinar (Financial Literacy – Understanding Financial Statements), this one-hour webinar titled Financial Literacy 2.0 – Budget Management continued to enhance your financial literacy muscle by diving into the tricky topic of budgeting. All managers must fully understand how to create a budget and how to manage a budget in order to effectively handle their organization’s financial resources. Kathy Hare presented this informative and practical session that provided attendees with some concrete tools and tips for effective budget management. This webinar will be useful for your organization’s Treasurer, financial staff, and any manager or individual who wants to learn more about how to properly create and manage a budget.

Presenter Kathy Hare has an extensive background in bookkeeping and accounting and has over 18 years of experience working with a wide variety of NSOs, PSOs and community sport organizations.

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