After becoming an official act of the Ontario legislature in 2010, the ONCA will finally received Royal Proclamation by the Lieutenant Governor on October 19, 2021. All not-for-profit Ontario sport organizations will need to become compliant with the ONCA by October 2024. Unlike its predecessor, the Ontario Corporations Act (“OCA”), the ONCA will exclusively govern all incorporated not-for-profit organizations in Ontario, including sport organizations. Back in 2017, due to the delays in proclaiming the ONCA, the provincial government passed the Cutting Unnecessary Red Tape Act which amended the OCA to include some of the proposed changes in the ONCA. As a result, many organizations in Ontario may have already begun the process of becoming ONCA-compliant.
Now that the ONCA will finally take force, it means that all of the impending changes that sport organizations had to do in order to be compliant with the new legislation are now imminent.
Webinar Objectives
For more information on the webinar, please contact Steven Indig at
Please note the registration fee for this event is $40.
To register and learn more about the ONCA and how your organization can comply with the (about to be new) law, you are invited to register for this webinar, by clicking the link below.