Sport Law & Strategy Group launches Sport Management Series 2.0!

Published January 29, 2019

The Sport Law & Strategy Group (SLSG) is pleased to announce the launching of its Sport Management Series 2.0 which is now available via e-book on the SLSG Website. We are featuring one of our most popular books from SLSG Partner, Dina Bell-Laroche, whose book on Managing by Values ‘Values in Action: igniting passion and purpose in sport organizations” is more relevant today than ever-before. 

Recognized and respected for her insight into what sport organizations can do to improve business performance in a way that strengthens culture, Dina shares how organizational values can be leveraged to mitigate risks, enhance management practices, and ensure integrity towards the achievement of purpose. The e-book provides sport leaders with real-life experiences from National Sport Organizations and a step-by-step process on how to identify, define and bring organizational values to life.  

“Management by Values is such a foundational piece for any sport leader interested in mitigating risk and aligning organizational objectives with their values. It is simply a must-read for sport leaders today in the wake of #MeToo and a renewed focus on safe sport,” shared SLSG Partner Steve Indig. 

From 1993 to 2000, the SLSG published a 10-volume sport management series that were widely recognized by sport professionals as being relevant and informative. Based on the requests from clients looking for practical, affordable and accessible sport management advice on topics of interest, we have launched our e-book Sport Management Series 2.0. Our hope is that this will help sport leaders access relevant sport management knowledge that supports their commitment to ongoing learning and professional development. The Series will be covering trending and current topics affecting the health and vitality of Canadian sport organizations. Watch for the next e-book coming out this Spring on Managing Complaints. 

The SLSG is known as a trusted partner that has worked alongside sport organizations in various ways to support leadership development, enhanced sport management knowledge and more effective methods to manage conflict. Karri Dawson, Executive Director of the True Sport Foundation, shares her thoughts on the significance of a Management by Values approach to leadership: “It is so great to see the launch of the Sport Management Series 2.0 and having the SLSG make their knowledge accessible to more sport leaders. Over the past seven years many sport leaders have benefited from the first edition of the Values-in-Action book, shifting our way of leading in sport. Congratulations to Dina and the entire SLSG team for helping to ensure a values-driven approach to managing Canadian sport.”  

Karen O’Neill, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Paralympic Committee, is a staunch believer in collaborative and empowering workplaces and shares the impact that values can have on organizational climate: “This book is a perfect blend of current up to date information and pragmatic examples of how this work can be translated on a day-to-day basis.  I reference the book often, keep it close by as a reminder on a daily basis of the things that can make the most difference and impact – leading from a values-based perspective. This book has become a talisman for me.” 

A long-time SLSG friend and client, Casey Wade believes in the instrumental role that values play in shifting mindsets and building alignment: “Values-in-Action serves as an excellent tool to guide both decision making and culture building for leaders in sport. While Canoe Kayak Canada strives to manage the organization through established objectives, values help guide thoughtful decisions, particularly with the increase in complex challenges that we’re often faced with today. Managing by Values both in our planning and through regular communication in our day-to-day work also helps build a strong team culture among staff, committee leaders, athletes and volunteers, which is so critical for an organization to succeed. A close team needs to build trust, respect, loyalty and empathy as we work together to learn, adapt, and move forward toward achieving our goals and objectives. Managing and living through a values-based lens is, in my view, a critical ingredient to make that happen. Values-in-Action reflects on the importance of this and I certainly recommend it for leaders in sport at all levels.”  

The Sport Law & Strategy Group was founded in 1992 and provides a full range of legal and strategic consulting and educational services to sport leaders to elevate the performance of sport organizations in areas such as legal, governance, risk management, strategic planning, leadership development, event and financial management, sponsorship consulting, Integral CoachingTM, strategic communications, safe sport solutions and so much more.   

To learn more about the SLSG, the Sport Management Series 2.0 and to purchase your e-book, visit the SLSG website.

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