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Lauren Brett

Integral Coach

Lauren Brett is a Certified Integral Coach™ and Professional Co-Active® Coach, and she is a member in good standing with the International Coach Federation (PCC level). She is a proud graduate of the Co-Active Training Institute’s Leadership Program, is certified in both the Nova Profile and The Leadership Circle™ Profile 360 assessment tools, and has ORSC training (Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching). Lauren has a long history in the sport of rhythmic gymnastics, representing Canada as both an athlete and then for 10 years, as a national team coach. During that time the Canadian Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastic Federation recognized her as Coach of the Year. 

In the words of her athletes: “Lauren was a visionary whose goal was to develop happy and healthy gymnasts. She gave us the tools to succeed. Her confidence, her faith, was our motivation. She was a big influence on the individuals we have become because she gave us guidance through some of the most critical years of our lives.”

After retiring from the world of rhythmic gymnastics, Lauren moved into the arts sector where for 18 years, she managed operations at the Randolph College for the Performing Arts, Canada’s premier training institution for musical theatre performers. It was during this time that she discovered her love for leadership development and humanizing organizations through coaching. Coaching provides a sense of connection, belonging and significance in a world that can sometimes seem isolating or overwhelming. Her mission is to change lives, one conversation at a time.

Lauren is delighted to support sport leaders who want to have a bigger impact in their world by helping them lead from a place of authenticity. Lauren knows how to help people achieve breakthrough performance.

Lauren is a mother of two incredible grown up humans who are making their way in the world. When she’s not coaching, you can find her volunteering with Haven Refugees, or hanging out in a kayak on Georgian Bay, hiking a trail, skiing or dancing up a storm.

Favorite quote: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing or right doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” – Rumi

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