Published February 20, 2019
Never has it been more important for sport leaders to understand the management of complaints. Having recently launched its Sport Management Series 2.0 to support sport leaders in accessing relevant and timely information on a range of sport management topics, the Sport Law & Strategy Group (SLSG) is pleased to offer So you’ve still got a complaint e-book outlining leading practices in navigating the complaint management process from start to finish.
The SLSG was fortunate to have Rachel Corbett, one of our founders, update our previous edition so that it meets current standards, trends and legal requirements. The e-book takes readers through the complaint management process including how to respond to a complaint, legal duties, investigations, how to communicate and educate stakeholders, and so much more. We’ve included appendices at the end and a few case studies to make the e-book as practical and useful as possible. “I have learned so much over my 25 years in sport and writing has always been a way for me to share what I believe to be important for sport leaders to know. This book comes at the right time for sport leaders and my hope is that they will feel more supported as they work through the complaint management process in a fair, transparent, and inclusive manner,” shared Corbett.
“Given the current climate, we feel that leaders need simple tools to inform and educate stakeholders on how best to navigate the complaint management process. We hope that this is one among many other tools sport leaders can share to ensure people have a common understanding and shared language to better manage complaints,” shared SLSG Partner Steve Indig.
From 1993 to 2000, the SLSG published a 10-volume sport management series that were widely recognized by sport professionals as being relevant and informative. Based on the requests from clients looking for practical, affordable and accessible sport management advice on topics of interest, we have launched our e-book Sport Management Series 2.0. Our hope is that this will help sport leaders access relevant sport management knowledge that supports their commitment to ongoing learning and professional development. The Series will be covering trending and current topics affecting the health and vitality of Canadian sport organizations. The first e-book Values-in-Action: Igniting Passion and Purpose was launched in January and focused on helping sport organization proactively engineer a high performing culture based on shared values. Dina’s research on this topic and the work she has done with dozens of sport organizations since 2010 proves that the best risk management strategy is to operate from a place of shared values.
The Sport Law & Strategy Group was founded in 1992 and provides a full range of legal and strategic consulting and educational services to sport leaders to elevate the performance of sport organizations in areas such as legal, governance, risk management, strategic planning, leadership development, event and financial management, sponsorship consulting, Integral CoachingTM, strategic communications, safe sport solutions and so much more.
To learn more about the SLSG, the Sport Management Series 2.0 and to purchase your e-book, visit the SLSG website