Published July 7, 2014
vol 10(2) - July 2014
This edition of our newsletter features important updates about the NFP Act (four months to go!) and after-care tasks post-transition, the ONCA (delayed until 2015), and the new anti-spam law. We have also written about unpaid interns, accounting standards, and in-camera Board meetings. We are also sharing important updates about personnel at the SLSG.
Our quarterly newsletter has brought you important content in the following areas: legal updates, new legislation and case law, governance tips, risk management and values management practices, social media, communications strategies, as well as all kinds of other planning and strategic advice. We published our last newsletter in February 2014.
We typically send our newsletter every three or four months. The content includes summaries and links to material that we have posted on our website - plus updates on current events and other news. You can also join our Facebook page and get immediate updates. If you don't want to receive the newsletter - no problem - just choose to unsubscribe at the bottom of this message.
By now you have likely received multiple messages from corporations asking you to "continue the conversation" and give your consent for them to continue emailing you their promotional offers and newsletters. These messages are a result of the new CASL - the anti-spam law. This law also affects not-for-profit sport organizations. LeeAnn wrote a comprehensive blogpost about the CASL's effect on sport organizations and Kathy followed up with a blogpost on the CASL's effect on RCAAAs. Both posts give a great background to whether your organization also has to send these consent messages to members, newsletter subscribers, and business partners.
NOTE - the Sport Law & Strategy Group will be sending our own anti-spam compliance message (so we can continue to send you our newsletter) and you should receive this message this week and again on Monday.
A federally-incorporated organization that completed its transition to compliance with the NFP Act still has some NFP-related work to do post-transition. In this blogpost, Kevin wrote about the tasks still facing compliant organizations. Updating policies and improving records-keeping are two primary issues that need attention, and organizations that are RCAAAs will need to report their compliance to the CRA.
Our new associate Kathy Hare wrote about the challenges facing sport organizations that use unpaid interns. Some unpaid interns may actually qualify as employees and be subject to your province's employment standards legislation. Kathy described the test for determining the true nature of the working relationship.
Parts of a Board meeting may be held 'in camera' which means that the topics discussed during those parts of the meeting are not generally available to the public or to members in minutes of the meeting. Hilary wrote about when a Board should have parts of the meeting in camera, the consequences of doing so, and the extra responsibilities (such as keeping confidential 'in camera minutes'). Hilary also provided an in camera meeting template policy.
Kathy described the microscope that not-for-profit organizations are being held under lately, especially in terms of the new legislation and reporting requirements. Kathy also discussed a growing movement that is requiring organizations to become accustomed to different accounting standards - including changes that will affect financial statements. This blogpost is a must-read for Treasurers and Finance Directors.
Though the ONCA itself has been confirmed, there is a second bill that needs to be passed (an amendments bill) before the ONCA can come into force. Kevin described how the amendments bill died on the table because of the Ontario provincial election and explained when we can now expect the ONCA to come into force. Also, there are steps that Ontario not-for-profits can take in preparation for the ONCA - mainly understanding the differences between bylaws, policies, and rules - and how affected groups can best position themselves for the new law.
Yes the 'official' medal count said that Canada only won 10 gold medals at the Sochi Olympic Games. But what if we counted all the physical medals that went home with athletes? Canada swept the team sport events and Kevin wrote about how counting actual medals puts Canada at the top of the podium.
We recently issued this news release describing the changes with our organization. On April 2nd we welcomed Kathy Hare as an associate with our company. Kathy specializes in financial matters, program management, and proposal development (including grant writing). Adding Kathy to our team increases the range of services we offer our clients and we are excited to have her join our group. She can be reached at
Rachel is excited to announce that she has been appointed as a full-time professor at Brock University (for a 12-month term). Rachel has been teaching sport management students part-time for 14 years. Rachel will remain accessible to our clients but much her regular consulting work will be picked up by Kevin, Kathy, and LeeAnn.
Lastly, co-founder Hilary Findlay has resigned her position as a director with the SLSG and will continue her research and teaching at Brock University as well as pursue other sport-related interests.
Dina recently completed her training as an Integral Master Coach - specializing in personal and professional development - and her profile is now posted on the Integral Coaching Canada website.
Our newsletter is distributed three or four times a year.