Ontario Fitness & Recreation Organizations targeted in upcoming government blitz

Published May 4, 2015

Are you prepared?  The Ontario government recently announced that they will be conducting a targeted Employment Standards Act enforcement blitz. The first phase of this blitz will include fitness and recreation organizations and facilities in the province. The focus of this initiative is to ensure that organizations are adhering to legislated employment standards. Employees' hours of work, reporting, deductions, minimum wage, overtime and vacation time and pay, as well as other possible areas will all be investigated.

Organizations should review their HR policies and procedures to ensure that they are compliant with the legislation and that there are no surprises in the event they receive a visit from an employment standards officer.

The blitz in this sector will take place between May and July 2015.

If you have questions about your organization’s HR practices, please contact Kathy Hare at keh@sportlaw.ca.

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