
Sport Law workshops can be customized for your organization on a variety of human development topics including enhanced communications training, crisis management, mindful leadership, stewarding conflict, creating safe and welcoming cultures, and so much more. Beyond feeding your mind with more information, we also create the space to nourish your emotional intelligence that deepen connections.

Upcoming Workshops

Management by Values Workshop

Sport Law is pleased to invite sport leaders to register for a two-part on-line Management by Values workshop, to help leaders take their leadership practice to the next level.   This virtual workshop ...

On Demand Workshops

Indicators of Healthy Sport Organization

This session explores the hallmarks of a healthy sport organization. Drawing on examples from the sector, we will go beyond the big picture items – like good governance and risk ...

How to Manage Risk and Implement Safe Sport

Although good policy development is critical to safe sport, it is most effective when used in connection with an implementation strategy.  This interactive session explores some of the leading-edge processes ...

Social Media Strategies for Sport Organizations

This session outlines why it is important to be intentional about having a social media strategy. Organizations must first consider what objectives they want to accomplish and then decide how ...

Succession Planning

Most sport organizations don’t take the necessary time to map out who their successors will be at all levels. This includes ensure that your sport has sufficient coaches, officials, volunteers, ...

Strategic Planning 101

Sport organizations need to plan effectively in order to ensure excellence, on the field, in the executive office, in the boardroom and beyond. This session will help sport leaders understand ...

Membership Development and Engagement

One of the key drivers in implementing successful change initiatives is membership engagement. As author Stephen Covey suggested, one can only move as fast as the speed of trust, and ...

Marketing Makeover

Participants will benefit from sport-specific examples that they can use to optimize their own packages as well as the opportunity to share best practices and ask questions about their own ...

Sponsorship Strategies for Sport Organizations

Sport organizations recognize a need to enhance their sponsorship intake, but some may struggle to develop the framework for a successful sponsorship strategy. The workshop will help participants to build ...

Social Media with Colleagues

This session discusses the risks of texting and connecting with your colleagues on social media. We explain what’s happening when we communicate by text and social media and how we ...

Responsible Social Media for Coaches

This workshop teaches coaches how they can use social media responsibly when communicating with their athletes. The workshop covers social media strategies for coaches, organizational guidelines (not rules!) for social ...

Managing Crisis

In today’s world, failing to prepare for a crisis can lead to disastrous results. Learning from others is a key aspect of creating sound strategy and this workshop is designed ...

Daring Leadership - Living into your values

Values indicate what is important by what an organization’s members actually say and what they do - not what is written on the wall. Values define your brand and reputation ...

Our Societal Responsibility

In this wide-ranging session, we will tackle the evolving societal responsibility that sport organizations and administrators have in their daily activities. How do we handle adult bullying? Should we intervene ...

Human Resources Management - Avoiding the Pitfalls

People are the most valuable resource any organization has whether they are paid staff or volunteers.  This webinar will help you navigate through the legal aspects of employment and design ...

Successful Recruiting Practices

If you are interested in learning how to recruit and retain your top employees and volunteers, this workshop is for you. Participants will learn about innovative ways to attract new ...

Respectful Workplaces

Learn how you can create a respectful workplace environment that fosters individual growth and team cohesion by acknowledging codes of behaviours, core values, effective conflict management processes, and workplace wellness ...

Emotional Intelligence

This seminar helps leaders understand their emotional intelligence, which is defined as a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and ...

Wisdom of the Enneagram

This experiential workshop helps leaders expand awareness, increase confidence and deepen relationships. Participants will have access to the Enneagram online survey, a renowned spiritual and personality tool that is used ...

Understanding Grief

Our current culture is grief and mourning-phobic, not inviting people to recognize, honour, and express their grief. This translates to the world of sport at all levels where athletes, coaches ...

Managing Change

Managing change is an ongoing challenge for sport leaders looking to gain a competitive advantage in today's fast paced, complex environment. The ability to manage change effectively requires foresight - ...

Reciprocation: How NSOs, PTSOs, and Clubs Can Build Better Relationships

This session explores the reciprocal relationships between the tiers of organizations in your sport. Does your club inform your PSO when an individual is sanctioned? How aware is your NSO ...

Board Evaluation

Monitoring and assessing performance aren’t just limited to the field of play. All organizations need to improve their performance, and this includes Directors of your Board. Learn about some of ...

Conducting Meetings Using Robert's Rules of Order

Organizations sometimes find themselves in sticky situations at their annual meetings or in Board meetings due to passionate debate, unruly behaviour, or uncertainty on procedure. This 1-day workshop will teach ...

Policy Reminders

What policies do sport organizations need and why?  Most sport organizations have a full complement of policies. But is anything missing? In this session, we will review the policies common ...

Management by Values

This workshop will help sport leaders more intentionally leverage their organizational values to improve their culture. Participants will learn about some of the shifts in management philosophy and methods to ...

Risk Management Auditing for Sport Events

This workshop is for event leaders who wish to embark on a more systematic, progressive and intentional way to manage event risks. It will highlight a systematic risk management process ...

Grant Writing

In this world of scarce financial resources, it is imperative that you are able to elevate your proposal above the multitude of others applying for the same funding.  Knowing how ...

Travel Risk Management

There is a growing recognition, desire and need to properly identify, analyze and treat travel related risks for teams and delegations travelling outside of Canada for events and training camps. ...

Managing Risk

This workshop facilitates participants' knowledge of risk management, based on over a decade of experience in leading a national Risk Management Project in collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Ethics ...

Financial Management

This series of workshops builds knowledge on financial literacy whether you are a staff member, volunteer or board member.  By providing a clear understanding of terminology, process and financial statement ...

Board Orientation

This workshop reviews the best methods to ensure that your Board is working effectively as a unit by sharing commonly used practices. In addition, the session provides Directors and Senior ...

Good Governance 101

This workshop provides sport leaders with the knowledge they need to understand the various structures and systems most commonly used in sport. It reviews important legal concepts such as fiduciary ...


Who reads the Bylaws? Actually, every Director and sport administrator should be familiar with their organization’s Bylaws. The Bylaws guide how the organization must legally operate, describe who the members ...

Hot Legal Topics

In this wide-ranging session, lawyer Steve Indig will discuss recent and persisting legal topics that sport organizations and administrators must consider. Topics will include concussions, liability, negligence, conflict of interest, ...
